Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I turn my back for one minute. . .

Well maybe two or three . . . okay so I was a little preoccupied while I was making Kennedy's birthday dinner so I wasn't paying too much attention to what Boston was doing. Yes I knew where Griff was, he was out playing with Kennedy. Anyway, some time went by and I thought Boston was back in his room messing his pants because that is his favorite place to do such things. As you can tell potty training hasn't been to successful. Josh came home an hour or so later and said "Have you seen Boston's room"? I replied with "No, I have been a little busy". Then I hear Brad say "He is a tazmanian devil"! Okay so this had me wondering what had happened. So Josh took some pics for me. As you can tell everything, I mean everything except the dresser had been turned upside down and inside out. Yes, that is his toddler bed upside down half on the dresser and half on the floor. Notice he did take the mattress off first. Now consider that his bed was on the opposite side of the room that you cannot see in the pic. The boy is nuts! If he doesn't get naps he does things like this, very much a silent terror. I don't know how he was silent with this venture, but honestly I wasn't really listening at that time. Josh was great and went in and helped him pick up and threatening to throw all the toys away if Boston didn't get in their and help. Now he is asleep and peacefully dreaming of tomorrow and what else he can destroy. What a funny kid!


Richards Family said...

Ashlee, that looks a little crazy. Did you let him drink a Red Bull or what. No I am just kidding. I know what kind of damage kids can do when they are quiet and alone. We luv our Bos Man!

Cheri said...

Now that looks familiar. Go Boston!