Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Our Kenna!!

Our Kennedy has had quite a bit of fun the last few weeks. I am hopeless that I will ever be up to date on this blog, as with my scrapbooks or any other project. But better late than never. First Kenna and all the first grade classes put on a program. It was called "One Big Happy Family"! It was so cute and tender. As I was trying to get good pics it was to no avail in that gymnasium but the experience was so cute. All their songs were about family and I think that is so awesome!! I think Kennedy's favorite song was the sign language one about mothers and fathers. Or was that mine?
Next her school put on the "Wildcat Run"! All the students trained for a one mile marathon. They trained for like 6 weeks. It was awesome. We were heading out of town, but decided to stay and let her run the race. Josh was able to go and run with her. She had a lot of fun, AND as we were on our way out of town my good friend called to let us know Kenna had won 3rd place out of the first grade girls with a time of 9min 13sec. SO we turned around and went to the awards assembly. Oh, it was awesome and she was so excited!! She received a bronze medal and everything. See hard work pays off! I need to follow her example.
After that, I was able to go on the first grade field trip up Logan canyon. It was fun to see Kennedy with her classmates and also know that I could be of help. I love to volunteer and thank Jessika for watching the boys for me so I could. It was a perfect day for a hike and the kids just loved it! After the canyon we headed to willow park for lunch and playtime!! Kennedy had a really great teacher this year and a really great class. All of them were very polite and obeyed all the rules. It was fun because all of them knew me as "Kennedy's mom". Without this sounding boastful, I really think Kennedy enjoyed having me there.
Then came the last day of school. Bittersweet for a first grader. Kennedy really has loved school and probably because she is good at it. Josh and I have it really easy with her. She likes to do her homework and read, heaven knows she didn't get that from me. It shows because Kennedy did fantastic on all her exams and testing! She is above average in everything! Can I get a whoo-whoo! She is awesome!
She loves her teacher and will miss her friends. I just hope she keeps this enthusiasm even when things get a little tougher.
I have to say I am excited to have her home. She is my helper and friend. So here is to my Kenna. I love you! You are the best little girl ever. Don't grow up too fast!


Dave said...

Kenna really is a good little girl, but I know that you and Josh spend lots of time encouraging and helping her and that also is very important.

The Child Family said...

How cute. Anna came home and told me about Kenna placing, she was SOOOOOOO happy for her!!!!! I'm so glad Anna has such a good example in Kenna. She is a sweetheart, and such a good girl. She must have some great training :)

Charee B Mcclellan said...

i figured i might as well add you to my blog list...hope that is ok! lookin good hottie!