Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tag, because pics won't upload!

Well I can't get my pictures to upload so I am going to fill out this tag and hopefully get pics done tomorrow!

What is your favorite color? Orange

What is your favorite pizza? Canadian Bacon & pineapple & peppers

What is your favorite restaurant? Um, not sure. I like Zuppa's, Panda Express, Rodizio Grill and Hamilton's (their shrimp is awesome)

What is your favorite Holiday? I like most HOlidays, but I love Christmas!

What is your favorite day of the week? Saturday

What is your biggest pet peev? When people act like your friend one day and not the next!

What is something you accomplished this year? Read more uplifiting books and played competitive volleyball again, thanks Nat!

What is something you would like to accomplish this year? Finish Kenna's bedspread

HOw many places have you lived? 7 different cities/towns

What is your dream vacation? Probably somewhere on a warm beach with family and friends (Meagan and Cory that means you!!)

What is something you desire right now? Josh to find a good job

What is your favorite treat? My new fav treat is fondue!! Yummy

What did you make for dinner tonight? pizza and breadsticks

Who is someone you look up to? President Monson and his wife

What do you have to do tomorrow? Halloween costumes, party at Cody's, and laundry. In no particular order!

What is your favorite movie? Right now, probably "Hocus Pocus" (buck toothed firefly)

What is something you would like to learn? Scuba diving or crocheting! Ha ha, how about that for polar opposites!

How many states have you visited? I think 9

Can you name all 50 states in 1 min? probably not, unless I had a map. Hee Hee. Try it, it is kind of hard.

Who do you want to tag? Anyone you wants to participate!!


Brad and Hayley Bingham said...

Hope you are doing well. Have Josh look at for a job (Brad really likes it.) I know that they are hiring a manager for accounting and financial reporting. i can't remember what Josh does, but maybe it fits?

Talisha Style said...

Yay I found your blog ....

Meags said...

ash i am all over that trip! so if cor and josh could find those super great jobs we are all over it:)

Lawrence Alexander said...

Dianne Feinstein