Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Elder Wirthlin

I am truly saddened this morning as I found about about Elder Wirthlin's passing. In the last couple of years I have come to love him and really take to heart his talks. Two conferences ago he was shaking so bad at the pulpit, but he continued his talk and another apostle held him steady. What love they have for eachother. That has been imprinted on my soul. Then at the last conference his talk was titled "Come What May and Love It". It was a great talk and fun to think of him as a great football player. What an amazing man, I will miss him.

1 comment:

The Child Family said...

I love that post!!!! I almost cried when i found out he passed away. Last week he was texting Elder Hales about the UofU, BYU game, and today he's gone. What a talk to end on though, I must say "come what may and love it" was probably the most thought provoking talk I've ever heard.