Monday, March 3, 2008

I Guess Griff was tired, what do you think?

Here is my precious Griff. A couple of weeks ago we moved him into another room in hopes that he would start sleeping better, and it worked! So for naps I put him in his crib and he cries for a few minutes and then drifts off peacefully into a mid day slumber. This morning I decided I needed to check on him, well I am glad I did. The poor little stink pulled himself to his knees, hanging onto the crib, and then fell asleep. This picture is better than my words on how he looked when I found him. My guess is that he got up and couldn't figure out how to get back down.


Richards Family said...

Oh, that is the most hilarious thing I have seen in a long time. It actually looks like it hurts. Poor kid! He is so funny. Give the kids a kiss for me. Thanks!!

Cheri said...

That is so funny! I have a picture kind of the same of Lauren. She was standing up in her playpin and fell asleep. How can a human sleep while standing up???

Colleen Donovan said...

Hahahahaha!!! THis is sooo funny. I love kids. :) I can't believe how big he is and I haven't even met him yet. :( We need to make plans...