Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Few Things!

Okay, first things first. We put in an offer on a home, and they ACCEPTED!! WAHOO! Hopefully all goes well and this will end our hunt. We are excited and very blessed because things just fell into place. We truly saw the hand of the Lord in this venture. I am hoping to get a couple of pics this weekend to post.

Second, Kenna lost her first tooth. It was a little tragic due to the fact that Josh pinched kenna's lip in the pliers instead of the tooth, but all ended well with Mom (aka me) pulling it out. It was very ready and the permanent tooth under it is already starting to poke up. The tooth fairly mended all bridges of this tragic loss, or not so tragic. She was finally able to get her name on the board at school for those you have lost teeth.

And last, and certainly not that important, but nonetheless funny, a picture of my "white trash" week. Driving my car around with nothing but the best, a plastic garbage bag and the fix all, duct tape. Classy, I know.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Remember the old brown beater you drove in high school? And remember that day your wheel (tire and all) fell off and you were late to Mr. Egli's class? That was good times. Seems like I also recall him not believing your story because he thought you made it up. You're movin' up in the world Ash!