Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's your Birthday Shout Hooray!!

We have had a month full of Birthdays and it has been a blast!! Grandma, Grandpa, neices, nephews, and really great friends! We did not party it up with everyone, but we had a blast with those that we did, and missed those that we didn't. Lolli was so cute and loved her pink pig, we had fun eating Dave's cake without him (sorry about that), and I was able to get a fabulous pedi with Patti!! Thanks Dave for watching the kids.

It is wonderful to see how the Lord blesses us through people we know, whether it be family or friends!! We have amazing people in our lives!!

Here are a couple pics of the kids!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ashlee!! Your kids are too cute. Its been along time and I just thought I would stop by and say hello. I am glad to see that you are doing well and you look great!
